Sunday, 16 March 2014

Filming journal 3: In school

Th next time we did some filming we were in school. I personally found doing it in school was alot harder than outside of school. When we filmed at Danson Park we could use all the time we needed to get everything done, however in school we were working on a tight schedule due to different timetables & different lesson times. What also made it difficult was that the people we needed to act in the sequence were sometimes unavailable and couldn't do it due to having their own work to do. If the people we needed were absent or had other commitments that day we were unable to film the things we needed. Unfortunately this happened more than once. During the times this did happen we would get together as a group and discuss what we would do next and when everyone was available to film next. Luckily we managed to sort out dates & times between us and the people acting in our sequence & managed to film everything we needed,
Although there were quite a few downsides to filming in school, there were some up. For example, there were always extra people around if we ever needed any and if we needed any extra support/advice there were always the people in our class we could talk to anytime and there were always the teachers we could ask any of our questions to and get advice from.
Overall I found the experience of filming inside of school to be a little more difficult than originally anticipated, however I feel we managed to successfully overcome these issues as a group.

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