Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking over the final cut of our title sequence I feel like I have learnt a lot and have come a very long way considering the reviews we got for the draft of our sequence, our first draft wasn't very well edited and got a lot of bad feedback, luckily we quickly managed to sort this out and am very happy with our new sequence, I am also very proud of me and Nicole as we managed to edit our sequence within a matter of days, which is something we didn't think we would be able to do, especially as us neither of us were experienced with Final Cut Pro and the way it works. I feel with this considered our sequence has turned out very well.
During the project we experienced a few problems, for example we had a great idea for the sequence that we all loved and really wanted to do, but it didn't fit with our original film idea, this meant we had to change our whole film idea and had to do alot more work to get the right information about our new film genre and we had to make sure our blogs were up to date with all the new information and that we were all clear with the new idea.
Throughout this project I have learnt a lot. I have mainly learnt about editing and how to use Final Cut Pro, this was the thing I was not comfortable with using and did not know how to use it at all, however I am now comfortable with the way Final cut pro works and how to use it, and could easily use it again in any other projects. I also learnt about the importance of planning ahead and planning everything correctly, within my group we planned well but not as well as we could've, we could've planned more about who was going to bring what when we were filming and what was happening in general, I learnt that its the small details like that that can make a lot of difference and if I were to do this project again I would make sure that everyone in the group knows what is happening and we all know what we are doing.